Published on Nov 8, 2014
This is just a quick update, to show a huge amount of chemtrail aerosols were sprayed, to keep the jetstream notch, or "Polar Vortex", in place, and on schedule. This shows 2 1/2 days of jetstream development, and how Mother Nature is trying to bring rain to California, but the Haarp and Chemtrail operators, won't allow the natural process to take place. Instead, they sprayed VERY heavy off the coast of Oregon, and all over the eastern Pacific. Also, the Baja Haarp is keeping a stationary blockage in the jetstream, west of San Diego.
Please use, to identify chemtrail spray planes, when they pass over your area. The chemtrail (geoengineered aerosols) were extremely thick, off the coast of Oregon, and the satellite maps confirm the ground reports (thanks to Bonnie V for her local reporting, and for the link to
This spraying, and Baja Haarp bockage in the jetstream is ALL CRIMINAL ACTIVITY! This is both a mind control psy-op, to keep the idea of "global cooling" alive, and probably, to cash in on the CME weather futures. We may see this psy-op continue, making extreme cold, in the big cities, until the city managers buy enough Heating Degree Day futures contracts. Then, after the cities have placed their bets, the Haarp operators will bring normal winter temperatures, so they don't have to pay out on the contracts. There are lots of possible ways for them to make money, by controlling the weather, and this is just one way. We will see, as the winter progresses.
US federal law enforcement, and the US Military, must find the criminals behind these programs, arrest them, and put them on trial.
The best chance to slow down, or stop, chemtrails, and the death they cause, is to protest at this geoengineering conference in San Francisco, on December 15 - 19, 2014:
This is PROBABLY the "roll out" to take the intense aerosol program over the USA, and make it international. This is a chance for scientists to submit research papers that are critical of the chemtrail program, and the planetary death, they are causing. We need thousands of people to show up, in San Francisco, protest, and submit their own research papers.
Americans Can Handle The Truth
PRIVACY NOTICE Any person/institution/ Agent / Agency of any governmental structure including but not limited to the United States Federal Government also using or monitoring/ You are hereby notified that you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, disseminating, or taking any other action against me with regard to this blog and the contents herein. The foregoing prohibitions also apply to your employee(s), agent(s), student(s)/ personnel under your direction or control.
Monday, November 10, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Rapidly Strengthening Monster Storm May Become Most Intense Ever for Alaska
Keep in mind AccuWeather is in contract bids with the US government to fly drones for the purpose of "modifying the weather"....
Did those of you in Northern California notice the chemtrails today?
They sure as heck weren't cloud seeding.
My guess is that if you go look at recent satellite images you'll be able to see that they were once again building a high pressure system over CA to assure there would no rain/continued drought.
I'm waiting to see if youtube user "The HAARP Report" produces a video showing exactly what is going on out there.
Keep in mind this is going to come down through the midwest and eastern board here in the US.
Rapidly Strengthening Monster Storm May Become Most Intense Ever for Alaska
Did those of you in Northern California notice the chemtrails today?
They sure as heck weren't cloud seeding.
My guess is that if you go look at recent satellite images you'll be able to see that they were once again building a high pressure system over CA to assure there would no rain/continued drought.
I'm waiting to see if youtube user "The HAARP Report" produces a video showing exactly what is going on out there.
Keep in mind this is going to come down through the midwest and eastern board here in the US.
Rapidly Strengthening Monster Storm May Become Most Intense Ever for Alaska
Megyn Kelly Interviews John Coleman Weather Channel Co-Founder "Climate ...
Proof part 3 are you following me here? Are you able to see how FOX News is actually "participating in this scheme?
In case you missed the previous comments/notes....
Oh this is getting juicy.... so this video was made 4 years ago, and trust me... Megyn Kelly knew 4 years ago Global Warming is utter bullshit. Proof>
Then a couple of weeks ago she interviewed co-founder of Weather Channel John Coleman>
What this situation "proves" to me is that mainstream media is being used to test societies awareness of this scam, until the masses take a stand these fools get to continue running their weather derivatives scheme.
In case you missed the previous comments/notes....
Oh this is getting juicy.... so this video was made 4 years ago, and trust me... Megyn Kelly knew 4 years ago Global Warming is utter bullshit. Proof>
Then a couple of weeks ago she interviewed co-founder of Weather Channel John Coleman>
What this situation "proves" to me is that mainstream media is being used to test societies awareness of this scam, until the masses take a stand these fools get to continue running their weather derivatives scheme.
Hide the decline - satire on global warming alarmists
OMG Pah ha ha ha ROTFLMBO and a Big Fat WHOA!
What makes me so tickled about this isn't only it's 54,000+ views, it's knowing that the masses are realizing Global Warming is a POS political scheme!
~ Hide De Decline bop bop Hide De Decline bop bop~ Pah ha ha ha
(Smart marketing tool too, I'm going to remember this one!)
What makes me so tickled about this isn't only it's 54,000+ views, it's knowing that the masses are realizing Global Warming is a POS political scheme!
~ Hide De Decline bop bop Hide De Decline bop bop~ Pah ha ha ha
(Smart marketing tool too, I'm going to remember this one!)
Friday, October 31, 2014
10/31/2014 -- The 'Polar Vortex' RETURNS - Snow + Ice far SOUTH on Hallo...
Compare this with the past two videos I shared from youtube users "The HAARP Report" & "Suspicious Observers", all 3 are showing various angles of the same issue... Climate Engineering
From Dutchsinse
Published on Oct 31, 2014
Full website post with screenshots and links to use for weather monitoring :
Odd weather is afoot.
The polar vortex has already returned!! A cold arctic blast pushing far South …. bringing snow / ice to Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio.
Freeze warnings issued as far South as the Gulf Coast in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida’s panhandle!
On halloween? October 31st?!
IPCC Forced TO Admit "NO" Real Global Warming Over The Past 20 Years | M7 Solar Flare, Quakes, Storm Alert | S0 News October 3, 2014
IPCC was forced to admit there has been "NO" significant Global Warming over the past 20 years
Published on Oct 3, 2014
Climate Change:
Blog: http://www.suspicious0bserverscollect...
Major Warnings/Alerts:
S0 Notes on Solar Shutdown:
IPCC History:
Donate memberships for others:
Today's Featured Links:
New Sea Floor Map:
Drone into Volcano:
What did NOAA just say?
Original music by NEMES1S [Get NEMES1S Music!]
Earth WindMap:
Global Maps:
NDBC Buoys:
HurricaneZone Satellite Images:
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory:
Satellite Maps:
Forecast Maps:
TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]
GOES Satellites:
Severe Weather Threats:
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites:
Temperature Delta:
SOHO Solar Wind:
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL:
GOES Xray:
Gamma Ray Bursts:
BARTOL Cosmic Rays:
NOAA Sunspot Classifications:
GONG Magnetic Maps:
MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map:
RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]
Published on Oct 3, 2014
Climate Change:
Blog: http://www.suspicious0bserverscollect...
Major Warnings/Alerts:
S0 Notes on Solar Shutdown:
IPCC History:
Donate memberships for others:
Today's Featured Links:
New Sea Floor Map:
Drone into Volcano:
What did NOAA just say?
Original music by NEMES1S [Get NEMES1S Music!]
Earth WindMap:
Global Maps:
NDBC Buoys:
HurricaneZone Satellite Images:
NOAA Environmental Visualization Laboratory:
Satellite Maps:
Forecast Maps:
TORCON: [Tornado Forecast for the day]
GOES Satellites:
Severe Weather Threats:
Canada Weather Office Satellite Composites:
Temperature Delta:
SOHO Solar Wind:
Planetary Orbital Diagram - Ceres1 JPL:
GOES Xray:
Gamma Ray Bursts:
BARTOL Cosmic Rays:
NOAA Sunspot Classifications:
GONG Magnetic Maps:
MISC Links:
JAPAN Radiation Map:
RSOE: [That cool alert map I use]
LavaTalk: October 31, 2014 update on Kilauea’s lava flow
Hawaii County Civil Defense Eruption Audio Update for 8 a.m. October 31, 2014
This is an eruption and lava flow Information update for Friday, October 31 at 8 a.m.
The flow continues to remain active however has not advanced since yesterday. The flow front remains 480 feet from Pāhoa Village Road. The front area has shown signs of widening with breakouts along the flanks or margins. Currently the flow front is approximately 60 yards wide. A new breakout located upslope from the flow front on the North side is active and advancing in a northeast direction and will be monitored closely. Additional breakouts above the Apa‘a street area along the North side of the flow area also being monitored closely.
Smoke conditions continue to be light moderate with trade winds from the Northeast pushing the smoke in a South Southwest direction. Presently burning activity is involving a variety of materials and smoke conditions may increase in some areas. Residents down wind that may be sensitive or have respiratory problems are advised to take necessary precautions and to remain indoors. Additional health advisories may be issued depending upon materials involved with any fires associated with the lava flow.
Based on the current flow location, direction and advancement, residents in the flow path were placed on an evacuation advisory and notified of possible need for evacuation. The evacuation advisory for those residents down slope of the flow will continue and residents will be kept informed of the flow status and advancement.
The Pahoa Village Road between Apa‘a Street and the Post Office Road will remain closed and limited to area residents only. Motorist should use caution and slow down on Highway 130 near the Post Office Road intersection. Residents of the restricted area should not bring unauthorized persons into the restricted area. In addition, Civil Defense and public safety personnel will be operating in the area round the clock to maintain close observations of flow activity. Additional updates will be broadcasted as conditions change.
LavaTalk: October 31, 2014 update on Kilauea’s lava flow
This is an eruption and lava flow Information update for Friday, October 31 at 8 a.m.
The flow continues to remain active however has not advanced since yesterday. The flow front remains 480 feet from Pāhoa Village Road. The front area has shown signs of widening with breakouts along the flanks or margins. Currently the flow front is approximately 60 yards wide. A new breakout located upslope from the flow front on the North side is active and advancing in a northeast direction and will be monitored closely. Additional breakouts above the Apa‘a street area along the North side of the flow area also being monitored closely.
Smoke conditions continue to be light moderate with trade winds from the Northeast pushing the smoke in a South Southwest direction. Presently burning activity is involving a variety of materials and smoke conditions may increase in some areas. Residents down wind that may be sensitive or have respiratory problems are advised to take necessary precautions and to remain indoors. Additional health advisories may be issued depending upon materials involved with any fires associated with the lava flow.
Based on the current flow location, direction and advancement, residents in the flow path were placed on an evacuation advisory and notified of possible need for evacuation. The evacuation advisory for those residents down slope of the flow will continue and residents will be kept informed of the flow status and advancement.
The Pahoa Village Road between Apa‘a Street and the Post Office Road will remain closed and limited to area residents only. Motorist should use caution and slow down on Highway 130 near the Post Office Road intersection. Residents of the restricted area should not bring unauthorized persons into the restricted area. In addition, Civil Defense and public safety personnel will be operating in the area round the clock to maintain close observations of flow activity. Additional updates will be broadcasted as conditions change.
LavaTalk: October 31, 2014 update on Kilauea’s lava flow
Jetstream Notch #2, on 10 30 14
****Parents who are letting children Trick or Treat this Halloween evening**** The rain coming down is loaded with the toxic chemicals being used in these programs. Please cover your children in a way to protect them from the rain, not just tonight, but anytime you see rain following skies full of clouds made by aircraft.
From The HAARP Report...
Published on Oct 31, 2014
This shows the Polar Vortex "notch" being re-built in the jetstream, only FIVE days after the last video. This video shows two man-made high pressure columns, of descending air, being used to set up the distortion in the jetstream. Both areas of descending air appear to be Haarp downbursts, as there should not be high pressure (clockwise rotation) at the north end, and there should not be dry air showing up at the south end. Also, the size, shape, and location, of this "notch" are identical, to the jetstream distortion, from five days ago. It is a perfectly straight, North/South line, that holds there for about 24 hours.
This appears to be another psy-op against the American people, during a National Election. By driving cold air into the midwest, two days before a midterm election, the voters will not be thinking about the climate catastrophe, which is unfolding all over the globe.
Everyone needs to watch for this distortion in the jetstream, as it appears the Haarp operators are planning to re-create it, every five days, probably all winter long. This will have the effect of moving the rain from California, and dropping it over Washington state, and over the US midwest.
The encouraging thing about this video, is the Haarp operators have been forced to do another change-up in their tactics. The first jetstream "notch" video showed the north end was created by a surface low pressure, which was held in place for three days. This was too obvious, so they have gone back to the standard procedure, of just using Haarp downburst air columns, to create the disturbance in the jet-stream.
I believe the south end of the disturbance (where the dry air was pushed down) was caused by the portable SBX type of megawatt, microwave transmitters. The American people have a right to know where the SBX transmitters are located, and exactly what they are doing, at all times.
Meteorologists (and everyone else) are welcome to comment, and to correct any stupid mistakes I have made. Thanks in advance for your comments!
From The HAARP Report...
Published on Oct 31, 2014
This shows the Polar Vortex "notch" being re-built in the jetstream, only FIVE days after the last video. This video shows two man-made high pressure columns, of descending air, being used to set up the distortion in the jetstream. Both areas of descending air appear to be Haarp downbursts, as there should not be high pressure (clockwise rotation) at the north end, and there should not be dry air showing up at the south end. Also, the size, shape, and location, of this "notch" are identical, to the jetstream distortion, from five days ago. It is a perfectly straight, North/South line, that holds there for about 24 hours.
This appears to be another psy-op against the American people, during a National Election. By driving cold air into the midwest, two days before a midterm election, the voters will not be thinking about the climate catastrophe, which is unfolding all over the globe.
Everyone needs to watch for this distortion in the jetstream, as it appears the Haarp operators are planning to re-create it, every five days, probably all winter long. This will have the effect of moving the rain from California, and dropping it over Washington state, and over the US midwest.
The encouraging thing about this video, is the Haarp operators have been forced to do another change-up in their tactics. The first jetstream "notch" video showed the north end was created by a surface low pressure, which was held in place for three days. This was too obvious, so they have gone back to the standard procedure, of just using Haarp downburst air columns, to create the disturbance in the jet-stream.
I believe the south end of the disturbance (where the dry air was pushed down) was caused by the portable SBX type of megawatt, microwave transmitters. The American people have a right to know where the SBX transmitters are located, and exactly what they are doing, at all times.
Meteorologists (and everyone else) are welcome to comment, and to correct any stupid mistakes I have made. Thanks in advance for your comments!
Monday, October 27, 2014
Lava Flow Update - October 26 - Pahoa Cemetery Covered
Lava Flow Update - October 26 - Pahoa Cemetery Covered
Polar Vortex Explained by Jetstream Notch, 10 25 14
Published on Oct 25, 2014
This explains how the "Polar Vortex" is created, and how it brings extreme cold to the eastern half of the USA, and, at the same time, maintains the California drought.
A "notch" in the jetstream keeps forming, OVER AND OVER, just west of California. It re-forms every few days, or every week. This video explains how this is done, and why the Haarp operators are doing it.
Jetstream control is the main tool, used by the criminal gangsters, who are using Chicago Mercantile Exchange weather futures contracts, to cash in on abnormal weather. These criminals must be identified, arrested, and put on trial, for a range of crimes, from insider trading, to violations of the RICO laws.
A new law should be passed, which makes tampering with weather satellite images a federal crime. The American people paid for these weather satellites, and have every right to see the true images, without being tampered with, by criminal gangsters. The penalty should be the same as mail fraud, wire fraud, or any other crime, where the public interest was betrayed.
NOAA administrators are overseeing, and permitting the tampering of satellite images, and they should be held accountable in federal court. This satellite tampering will be seen as an act of genocide, in the coming years, so the ICC should prosecute those responsible, under the Rome Statute.
Meteorologists, please comment, and correct any stupid mistakes! Thank you in advance!
This explains how the "Polar Vortex" is created, and how it brings extreme cold to the eastern half of the USA, and, at the same time, maintains the California drought.
A "notch" in the jetstream keeps forming, OVER AND OVER, just west of California. It re-forms every few days, or every week. This video explains how this is done, and why the Haarp operators are doing it.
Jetstream control is the main tool, used by the criminal gangsters, who are using Chicago Mercantile Exchange weather futures contracts, to cash in on abnormal weather. These criminals must be identified, arrested, and put on trial, for a range of crimes, from insider trading, to violations of the RICO laws.
A new law should be passed, which makes tampering with weather satellite images a federal crime. The American people paid for these weather satellites, and have every right to see the true images, without being tampered with, by criminal gangsters. The penalty should be the same as mail fraud, wire fraud, or any other crime, where the public interest was betrayed.
NOAA administrators are overseeing, and permitting the tampering of satellite images, and they should be held accountable in federal court. This satellite tampering will be seen as an act of genocide, in the coming years, so the ICC should prosecute those responsible, under the Rome Statute.
Meteorologists, please comment, and correct any stupid mistakes! Thank you in advance!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Major EARTH-FACING X3.1 Solar Flare - Oct 24, 2014
Keeping in mind that it was an X 20. class that caused severe damage to the power grip decades ago this was a 3.1 X class.
From the video producers notes:
Published on Oct 24, 2014
Active Region 12192 unleashed another major Solar Flare today. Peaking to X3.1 at 21:40 UTC. Associated with this event was an R3 Radio Blackout with a duration of 19 minutes. This long duration event appears to have a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) but not yet visible on satellite imagery, this active region was directly earth-facing at the time of the eruption and and any outgoing CME will be earth directed. more information once solar imagery is available.
From the video producers notes:
Published on Oct 24, 2014
Active Region 12192 unleashed another major Solar Flare today. Peaking to X3.1 at 21:40 UTC. Associated with this event was an R3 Radio Blackout with a duration of 19 minutes. This long duration event appears to have a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) but not yet visible on satellite imagery, this active region was directly earth-facing at the time of the eruption and and any outgoing CME will be earth directed. more information once solar imagery is available.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Geoengineering: Midwest Severe Storm 10-14-14
Published on Oct 16, 2014
I walked out of the house yesterday, and looked at the sky. It looked like one of my team member’s timelapse videos. Off in the distance, there were two huge towering clouds that looked like mountains that suddenly sprouted up in the sky. Near-by and overhead there were clouds of evidently different substance and color moving at different speeds, at different altitudes, and moving in different directions… all of them moving as fast as or faster than I’ve ever seen clouds move.
It was like a scene out a science fiction movie, when one person is moving through time faster than everyone else. Even knowing what it is, it didn’t look real to me. Equally disturbing, was the fact that I was the only one who noticed. The sky looked like a scene from The Matrix, and everyone on the street, was just staring into their ‘smartphone’ master control devices.
To be sure, nothing these people are staring at on their ‘smartphones’ is anymore real than the sky above, and the people are oblivious – to both of those realities. Whatever nonsense they are staring at, was specifically created to keep them staring it – so they wouldn’t notice what is going on over their heads (amongst a great many other things).
Yet, here in this video, once again you can see just how startlingly obvious this illusion is… if you are paying attention even a little bit. You don’t need to be a scientist (or a “meteorologist”) to understand that massive water vapor streaming out of the center of the country’s land mass, feeding a multi-layered hexagonal vortex visibly driven by Nexrad Frequency Rotation, is not a “natural” occurrence. I honestly don’t understand, how any meteorologist can watch WV Gen streaming – literally like it’s coming out of a tea kettle – and pretend there is anything remotely “natural” about it. I don’t understand how anyone could say this massive in-place WV Gen event, was the result of “cold air and warm air masses colliding” – with a straight face.
As everyone around here knows, I have 100+ videos that explain exactly where all of that water and exactly where those “straight line winds” are coming from. I encourage everyone new to this channel to spend time with these videos, to educate themselves.
I’m sure it also won’t come as a shock to anyone around here, that I won’t be allowing Dane Wigington & Co. to lie about me, my work, and this reality, then (as is Standard Operating Procedure) move on as if nothing ever happened… while leaving the offending fraudulent material in place of course.
Dane Wigington never shows me the common courtesy of acknowledging my work or even my existence (and hasn't in five years), but I know very well he reads every word I say. Unless he wants to be hearing about himself - all the time - I suggest he remove his lies about me and my work from
So, the Dane Wigington section is already up on my website, complete with all of the videos I’ve done on this continuous charade to date. As always, I will make more as is necessary. I will also be compiling all of the other evidence there as is necessary. Until Dane removes his lies, I will be showcasing them. I have well over a decade of research on 100 years of geoengineering reality, a body of work, and an eBook backing up everything I say… Dane Wigington has one-liner accusations about “blaming the sun,” and the Anonymous #OpTohidy charade.
Since – as everyone around here knows – I deal in facts and actual evidence, we’ll see who ends up looking like what.
(Note: Edited for space. Full comment in video post.)
Please support this continuing independent work.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
The Big Picture 2.0
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
I walked out of the house yesterday, and looked at the sky. It looked like one of my team member’s timelapse videos. Off in the distance, there were two huge towering clouds that looked like mountains that suddenly sprouted up in the sky. Near-by and overhead there were clouds of evidently different substance and color moving at different speeds, at different altitudes, and moving in different directions… all of them moving as fast as or faster than I’ve ever seen clouds move.
It was like a scene out a science fiction movie, when one person is moving through time faster than everyone else. Even knowing what it is, it didn’t look real to me. Equally disturbing, was the fact that I was the only one who noticed. The sky looked like a scene from The Matrix, and everyone on the street, was just staring into their ‘smartphone’ master control devices.
To be sure, nothing these people are staring at on their ‘smartphones’ is anymore real than the sky above, and the people are oblivious – to both of those realities. Whatever nonsense they are staring at, was specifically created to keep them staring it – so they wouldn’t notice what is going on over their heads (amongst a great many other things).
Yet, here in this video, once again you can see just how startlingly obvious this illusion is… if you are paying attention even a little bit. You don’t need to be a scientist (or a “meteorologist”) to understand that massive water vapor streaming out of the center of the country’s land mass, feeding a multi-layered hexagonal vortex visibly driven by Nexrad Frequency Rotation, is not a “natural” occurrence. I honestly don’t understand, how any meteorologist can watch WV Gen streaming – literally like it’s coming out of a tea kettle – and pretend there is anything remotely “natural” about it. I don’t understand how anyone could say this massive in-place WV Gen event, was the result of “cold air and warm air masses colliding” – with a straight face.
As everyone around here knows, I have 100+ videos that explain exactly where all of that water and exactly where those “straight line winds” are coming from. I encourage everyone new to this channel to spend time with these videos, to educate themselves.
I’m sure it also won’t come as a shock to anyone around here, that I won’t be allowing Dane Wigington & Co. to lie about me, my work, and this reality, then (as is Standard Operating Procedure) move on as if nothing ever happened… while leaving the offending fraudulent material in place of course.
Dane Wigington never shows me the common courtesy of acknowledging my work or even my existence (and hasn't in five years), but I know very well he reads every word I say. Unless he wants to be hearing about himself - all the time - I suggest he remove his lies about me and my work from
So, the Dane Wigington section is already up on my website, complete with all of the videos I’ve done on this continuous charade to date. As always, I will make more as is necessary. I will also be compiling all of the other evidence there as is necessary. Until Dane removes his lies, I will be showcasing them. I have well over a decade of research on 100 years of geoengineering reality, a body of work, and an eBook backing up everything I say… Dane Wigington has one-liner accusations about “blaming the sun,” and the Anonymous #OpTohidy charade.
Since – as everyone around here knows – I deal in facts and actual evidence, we’ll see who ends up looking like what.
(Note: Edited for space. Full comment in video post.)
Please support this continuing independent work.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
The Big Picture 2.0
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Geoengineering: Midwest Severe Storm 10-14-14
Published on Oct 16, 2014
I walked out of the house yesterday, and looked at the sky. It looked like one of my team member’s timelapse videos. Off in the distance, there were two huge towering clouds that looked like mountains that suddenly sprouted up in the sky. Near-by and overhead there were clouds of evidently different substance and color moving at different speeds, at different altitudes, and moving in different directions… all of them moving as fast as or faster than I’ve ever seen clouds move.
It was like a scene out a science fiction movie, when one person is moving through time faster than everyone else. Even knowing what it is, it didn’t look real to me. Equally disturbing, was the fact that I was the only one who noticed. The sky looked like a scene from The Matrix, and everyone on the street, was just staring into their ‘smartphone’ master control devices.
To be sure, nothing these people are staring at on their ‘smartphones’ is anymore real than the sky above, and the people are oblivious – to both of those realities. Whatever nonsense they are staring at, was specifically created to keep them staring it – so they wouldn’t notice what is going on over their heads (amongst a great many other things).
Yet, here in this video, once again you can see just how startlingly obvious this illusion is… if you are paying attention even a little bit. You don’t need to be a scientist (or a “meteorologist”) to understand that massive water vapor streaming out of the center of the country’s land mass, feeding a multi-layered hexagonal vortex visibly driven by Nexrad Frequency Rotation, is not a “natural” occurrence. I honestly don’t understand, how any meteorologist can watch WV Gen streaming – literally like it’s coming out of a tea kettle – and pretend there is anything remotely “natural” about it. I don’t understand how anyone could say this massive in-place WV Gen event, was the result of “cold air and warm air masses colliding” – with a straight face.
As everyone around here knows, I have 100+ videos that explain exactly where all of that water and exactly where those “straight line winds” are coming from. I encourage everyone new to this channel to spend time with these videos, to educate themselves.
I’m sure it also won’t come as a shock to anyone around here, that I won’t be allowing Dane Wigington & Co. to lie about me, my work, and this reality, then (as is Standard Operating Procedure) move on as if nothing ever happened… while leaving the offending fraudulent material in place of course.
Dane Wigington never shows me the common courtesy of acknowledging my work or even my existence (and hasn't in five years), but I know very well he reads every word I say. Unless he wants to be hearing about himself - all the time - I suggest he remove his lies about me and my work from
So, the Dane Wigington section is already up on my website, complete with all of the videos I’ve done on this continuous charade to date. As always, I will make more as is necessary. I will also be compiling all of the other evidence there as is necessary. Until Dane removes his lies, I will be showcasing them. I have well over a decade of research on 100 years of geoengineering reality, a body of work, and an eBook backing up everything I say… Dane Wigington has one-liner accusations about “blaming the sun,” and the Anonymous #OpTohidy charade.
Since – as everyone around here knows – I deal in facts and actual evidence, we’ll see who ends up looking like what.
(Note: Edited for space. Full comment in video post.)
Please support this continuing independent work.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
The Big Picture 2.0
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
I walked out of the house yesterday, and looked at the sky. It looked like one of my team member’s timelapse videos. Off in the distance, there were two huge towering clouds that looked like mountains that suddenly sprouted up in the sky. Near-by and overhead there were clouds of evidently different substance and color moving at different speeds, at different altitudes, and moving in different directions… all of them moving as fast as or faster than I’ve ever seen clouds move.
It was like a scene out a science fiction movie, when one person is moving through time faster than everyone else. Even knowing what it is, it didn’t look real to me. Equally disturbing, was the fact that I was the only one who noticed. The sky looked like a scene from The Matrix, and everyone on the street, was just staring into their ‘smartphone’ master control devices.
To be sure, nothing these people are staring at on their ‘smartphones’ is anymore real than the sky above, and the people are oblivious – to both of those realities. Whatever nonsense they are staring at, was specifically created to keep them staring it – so they wouldn’t notice what is going on over their heads (amongst a great many other things).
Yet, here in this video, once again you can see just how startlingly obvious this illusion is… if you are paying attention even a little bit. You don’t need to be a scientist (or a “meteorologist”) to understand that massive water vapor streaming out of the center of the country’s land mass, feeding a multi-layered hexagonal vortex visibly driven by Nexrad Frequency Rotation, is not a “natural” occurrence. I honestly don’t understand, how any meteorologist can watch WV Gen streaming – literally like it’s coming out of a tea kettle – and pretend there is anything remotely “natural” about it. I don’t understand how anyone could say this massive in-place WV Gen event, was the result of “cold air and warm air masses colliding” – with a straight face.
As everyone around here knows, I have 100+ videos that explain exactly where all of that water and exactly where those “straight line winds” are coming from. I encourage everyone new to this channel to spend time with these videos, to educate themselves.
I’m sure it also won’t come as a shock to anyone around here, that I won’t be allowing Dane Wigington & Co. to lie about me, my work, and this reality, then (as is Standard Operating Procedure) move on as if nothing ever happened… while leaving the offending fraudulent material in place of course.
Dane Wigington never shows me the common courtesy of acknowledging my work or even my existence (and hasn't in five years), but I know very well he reads every word I say. Unless he wants to be hearing about himself - all the time - I suggest he remove his lies about me and my work from
So, the Dane Wigington section is already up on my website, complete with all of the videos I’ve done on this continuous charade to date. As always, I will make more as is necessary. I will also be compiling all of the other evidence there as is necessary. Until Dane removes his lies, I will be showcasing them. I have well over a decade of research on 100 years of geoengineering reality, a body of work, and an eBook backing up everything I say… Dane Wigington has one-liner accusations about “blaming the sun,” and the Anonymous #OpTohidy charade.
Since – as everyone around here knows – I deal in facts and actual evidence, we’ll see who ends up looking like what.
(Note: Edited for space. Full comment in video post.)
Please support this continuing independent work.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
The Big Picture 2.0
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Geoengineering: Nor'easter Nonsense 10-22-14
Published on Oct 23, 2014
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Needless to say, I have more projects going on than I know what to do with at the moment, but once again, this was an example that I couldn't let slide. Last week's tornado-spawning 800 mile-wide Midwest Severe Storm was manufactured in the identical manner as this weeks storm… but his week, they called it a Nor'easter. Between that obvious and conflicting reality, and Al Roker's "bands of pressure" comment, I had little choice but to detour for a day, to cover this storm.
However, since I have much work to do - I'll make this comment short. In addition to the videos I have in the queue (on Orgone Vortexing, on Water Vapor Generation water source, and several others), I will be developing the website in a variety of ways… starting with (as I have hopefully made abundantly clear) documenting and exposing all evidence of those suppressing and obstruction this work and the dissemination of this reality. There are mountains of evidence, and it's been needed for a very long time anyway.
Finally I'll mention (since I have obviously already been contacted about it), I too have seen Michael Murphy's latest email to his supporters. Several people forwarded it to me - including Michael Murphy himself. I haven't responded to Michael yet (although I'm obviously curious why he forwarded it to me), and I'm sure I will at least create a site posting on this, but for starters I'll say: What can possibly be a surprise about this? The only thing remotely surprising about it, is that it took this long to come to light.
Once again however, it illustrates the clear difference between myself - and all of them. My work, speaks for itself. Every week, the people who follow this channel and this work get actual educational material, that they can use and incorporate to understand the world around them. The only things you get from the rest of the people in this 'field,' are misdirection, lip service, and in this instance - a down payment for Barry's car. No one ever has to question what I do with my time, because my viewers get to see the results of it every week. What have any of these people actually produced in the last year?
So, although I won't be backing off of exposing any and all attacks on this work one iota, I consider them ultimately self-defeating. Trying to detract from the validity of this work only does one thing extremely effectively. Demonstrate that the accusers don't have any work of their own. In the mean time, I'll keep doing what I do - and let it keep speaking for itself.
Please support this continuing independent work.
If you want to understand what they obviously don’t want anyone to understand, you can do it in 40 pages.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
The Big Picture 2.0
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
Needless to say, I have more projects going on than I know what to do with at the moment, but once again, this was an example that I couldn't let slide. Last week's tornado-spawning 800 mile-wide Midwest Severe Storm was manufactured in the identical manner as this weeks storm… but his week, they called it a Nor'easter. Between that obvious and conflicting reality, and Al Roker's "bands of pressure" comment, I had little choice but to detour for a day, to cover this storm.
However, since I have much work to do - I'll make this comment short. In addition to the videos I have in the queue (on Orgone Vortexing, on Water Vapor Generation water source, and several others), I will be developing the website in a variety of ways… starting with (as I have hopefully made abundantly clear) documenting and exposing all evidence of those suppressing and obstruction this work and the dissemination of this reality. There are mountains of evidence, and it's been needed for a very long time anyway.
Finally I'll mention (since I have obviously already been contacted about it), I too have seen Michael Murphy's latest email to his supporters. Several people forwarded it to me - including Michael Murphy himself. I haven't responded to Michael yet (although I'm obviously curious why he forwarded it to me), and I'm sure I will at least create a site posting on this, but for starters I'll say: What can possibly be a surprise about this? The only thing remotely surprising about it, is that it took this long to come to light.
Once again however, it illustrates the clear difference between myself - and all of them. My work, speaks for itself. Every week, the people who follow this channel and this work get actual educational material, that they can use and incorporate to understand the world around them. The only things you get from the rest of the people in this 'field,' are misdirection, lip service, and in this instance - a down payment for Barry's car. No one ever has to question what I do with my time, because my viewers get to see the results of it every week. What have any of these people actually produced in the last year?
So, although I won't be backing off of exposing any and all attacks on this work one iota, I consider them ultimately self-defeating. Trying to detract from the validity of this work only does one thing extremely effectively. Demonstrate that the accusers don't have any work of their own. In the mean time, I'll keep doing what I do - and let it keep speaking for itself.
Please support this continuing independent work.
If you want to understand what they obviously don’t want anyone to understand, you can do it in 40 pages.
No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101
No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation
Introduction to Geoengineering 101
The Big Picture 2.0
FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 106A-117 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Bermuda Hurricane Steered? Extortion? Protection Racket? 10 17 14
Via the video notes / The HAARP Report
Published on Oct 17, 2014
Hurricane Gonzalo may have been steered, to make a direct hit on Bermuda, which has not happened for 92 years. Also, in the last week, since the first "Extortion? Protection Racket?" youtube video came out, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has deleted all information on hurricane weather contracts, from their website. This MAY mean that the CME is aware of the extortion racket, and insider trading, and they are taking steps to hide any evidence from the public. Now is the time for federal regulators, such as the SEC, CFTC, and FBI, to investigate, just exactly WHY did the CME suddenly delete all hurricane weather derivatives information from their public web pages (while still listing hundreds of hurricane options for sale)? It appears they are trying to hide the hurricane futures trading from the public. Both Bermuda, and Japan, seem to be targeted for direct hits from hurricanes, to force them to buy expensive Hurricane protection contracts next year. This is a RICO organized crime, protection, and extortion racket, since these storms are steerable, with current technology.
Published on Oct 17, 2014
Hurricane Gonzalo may have been steered, to make a direct hit on Bermuda, which has not happened for 92 years. Also, in the last week, since the first "Extortion? Protection Racket?" youtube video came out, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) has deleted all information on hurricane weather contracts, from their website. This MAY mean that the CME is aware of the extortion racket, and insider trading, and they are taking steps to hide any evidence from the public. Now is the time for federal regulators, such as the SEC, CFTC, and FBI, to investigate, just exactly WHY did the CME suddenly delete all hurricane weather derivatives information from their public web pages (while still listing hundreds of hurricane options for sale)? It appears they are trying to hide the hurricane futures trading from the public. Both Bermuda, and Japan, seem to be targeted for direct hits from hurricanes, to force them to buy expensive Hurricane protection contracts next year. This is a RICO organized crime, protection, and extortion racket, since these storms are steerable, with current technology.
Friday, October 17, 2014
GOES-East Video of Gonzalo
Published on Oct 16, 2014
NOAA's GOES-East satellite captured this image of Hurricane Gonzalo off the U.S. East Coast on Oct. 16 at 13:07 UTC (9:07 a.m. EDT). Credit: NASA/NOAA GOES Project
NOAA's GOES-East satellite captured this image of Hurricane Gonzalo off the U.S. East Coast on Oct. 16 at 13:07 UTC (9:07 a.m. EDT). Credit: NASA/NOAA GOES Project
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Extortion? Protection Racket? for Gulf Coast Hurricanes? 10 09 14
Via the video producer "The HAARP Report" notes...
Published on Oct 9, 2014
This shows a POSSIBLE explanation, of how the Gulf Coast cities MIGHT be paying into an extortion, protection racket, to prevent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. This video only shows circumstantial evidence, but it is POSSIBLE, the Haarp operators are the counter-parties, in these Hurricane weather futures contracts, which are sold by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). The Haarp operators COULD be prime suspects, in taking on this counter-party risk, as they MAY BE THE ONLY ONES who know there will be zero Gulf coast Hurricanes, in a given season. There have not been any major Gulf coast hurricanes, since Katrina, in 2005, despite the perfect conditions to create powerful hurricanes, for several years. There is no wind shear aloft (no jet stream winds), and the water is 30.5 C (87 degrees F), all over the Gulf. Hurricanes need water that is warmer than 79 F, so the Gulf is PLENTY warm enough to have another Katrina, every few weeks. This is another example of why this technology should be put into the public domain, and administered for the benefit of all. This video is NOT PROOF of financial misconduct, but there APPEARS to be an opportunity for a huge financial payoff, to a select group of insiders. The purpose of this video is not to deprive the coastal states of their hurricane protection, instead, the purpose is to illustrate how these geoengineering programs can continue, ad infinitum, while killing our planet in the process. Please contact the CFTC, to request they investigate possible insider trading, in these hurricane futures contracts.
Here is a link to read about CME hurricane options:
Here is a link to CME weather derivatives history:
Here is a link to CME weather hot weather options:
GOES East, visible light, satellite animation
GOES East, water vapor, satellite animation:
Published on Oct 9, 2014
This shows a POSSIBLE explanation, of how the Gulf Coast cities MIGHT be paying into an extortion, protection racket, to prevent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. This video only shows circumstantial evidence, but it is POSSIBLE, the Haarp operators are the counter-parties, in these Hurricane weather futures contracts, which are sold by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). The Haarp operators COULD be prime suspects, in taking on this counter-party risk, as they MAY BE THE ONLY ONES who know there will be zero Gulf coast Hurricanes, in a given season. There have not been any major Gulf coast hurricanes, since Katrina, in 2005, despite the perfect conditions to create powerful hurricanes, for several years. There is no wind shear aloft (no jet stream winds), and the water is 30.5 C (87 degrees F), all over the Gulf. Hurricanes need water that is warmer than 79 F, so the Gulf is PLENTY warm enough to have another Katrina, every few weeks. This is another example of why this technology should be put into the public domain, and administered for the benefit of all. This video is NOT PROOF of financial misconduct, but there APPEARS to be an opportunity for a huge financial payoff, to a select group of insiders. The purpose of this video is not to deprive the coastal states of their hurricane protection, instead, the purpose is to illustrate how these geoengineering programs can continue, ad infinitum, while killing our planet in the process. Please contact the CFTC, to request they investigate possible insider trading, in these hurricane futures contracts.
Here is a link to read about CME hurricane options:
Here is a link to CME weather derivatives history:
Here is a link to CME weather hot weather options:
GOES East, visible light, satellite animation
GOES East, water vapor, satellite animation:
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Documenting Sick & Dying Trees In Lake California on the Shasta Tehama C...
Published on Oct 4, 2014
All over Northern CA we see sick and dying trees. Many of us attribute "some" of this damage to the continuous dispersing of Aluminum, Barium, and strontium into the skies of Northern Ca by air craft.
We are currently on day #4 with very little evidence of spraying/dispersing of these chemicals. There are many reports however coming out of Southern CA of heavy spray operations in that region.
What my the past 15 years of watching the skies above Northern CA has taught me is that most often these operations have nothing to do with cloud seeding, they are instead building high pressure systems in/above our region.
To understand how they are manipulating the jet stream I highly recommend the work of youtube user/producer "The HAARP Report". He gives very good "spoken word" explanations of what exactly is happening.
All over Northern CA we see sick and dying trees. Many of us attribute "some" of this damage to the continuous dispersing of Aluminum, Barium, and strontium into the skies of Northern Ca by air craft.
We are currently on day #4 with very little evidence of spraying/dispersing of these chemicals. There are many reports however coming out of Southern CA of heavy spray operations in that region.
What my the past 15 years of watching the skies above Northern CA has taught me is that most often these operations have nothing to do with cloud seeding, they are instead building high pressure systems in/above our region.
To understand how they are manipulating the jet stream I highly recommend the work of youtube user/producer "The HAARP Report". He gives very good "spoken word" explanations of what exactly is happening.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Baja HAARP Kills Hurricane Norbert part 5 on 9 08 14
Part 5
Published on Oct 1, 2014
This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by a Haarp transmitter, near Baja. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Published on Oct 1, 2014
This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by a Haarp transmitter, near Baja. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Baja HAARP kills Hurricane Norbert part 4 on 9 08 14
Part 4
Published on Oct 1, 2014
This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by the Isla Guadalupe Haarp transmitter. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Published on Oct 1, 2014
This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by the Isla Guadalupe Haarp transmitter. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Baja HAARP Kills Hurricane Norbert part 3 on 9 07 14
Part 3
Published on Oct 1, 2014
This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by the Isla Guadalupe Haarp transmitter. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Published on Oct 1, 2014
This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by the Isla Guadalupe Haarp transmitter. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Baja HAARP Kills Hurricane Norbert part 2 on 9 06 14
Part 2
Published on Oct 1, 2014
BEST! MUST WATCH! This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by the Isla Guadalupe Haarp transmitter. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Published on Oct 1, 2014
BEST! MUST WATCH! This is a sequential view of how Hurricane Norbert was destroyed by the Isla Guadalupe Haarp transmitter. This is recommended viewing, since it shows the entire process, from start to finish.
Yellowstone Secret Eruption Program
Published on Sep 30, 2014
This shows the evidence for a secret program, which is trying to make the Yellowstone super volcano erupt, as soon as possible. I would love to be wrong about this, and if anyone can explain the vibroseis patterns on the seismograms, I'll delete this video.
This secret eruption program is related to the geoengineering programs, since they both have the same, "false" goal. The goal of geoengineering is to slow down global warming, but this is a lie, since geoengineering is causing rapid global warming. The goal of triggering a Yellowstone eruption, is to freeze the earth, before the Arctic melts and releases 5,000 Billion tons of methane. Both of these programs have been "sold" to the workers, to convince them, they are saving the planet, when in fact, they are killing it.
If correct, this is the biggest act of terrorism ever attempted.
Please forward to any authority who can stop this program.
Here is the link to the Yellowstone seismograms page:
P.S. There are three things that could create those sine waves: 1) steam intrusion into the rock strata, that is not the cause, due to the sinusoidal nature.
2) a calibration signal, that is not the cause, since the nearby seismographs pick up the same pattern, but attenuated.
3) actual movement of the ground, in a sinusoidal pattern. This is the only possibility, so the question then becomes, what can make seismic waves like that? The only answer is manmade vibroseis type of equipment.
This shows the evidence for a secret program, which is trying to make the Yellowstone super volcano erupt, as soon as possible. I would love to be wrong about this, and if anyone can explain the vibroseis patterns on the seismograms, I'll delete this video.
This secret eruption program is related to the geoengineering programs, since they both have the same, "false" goal. The goal of geoengineering is to slow down global warming, but this is a lie, since geoengineering is causing rapid global warming. The goal of triggering a Yellowstone eruption, is to freeze the earth, before the Arctic melts and releases 5,000 Billion tons of methane. Both of these programs have been "sold" to the workers, to convince them, they are saving the planet, when in fact, they are killing it.
If correct, this is the biggest act of terrorism ever attempted.
Please forward to any authority who can stop this program.
Here is the link to the Yellowstone seismograms page:
P.S. There are three things that could create those sine waves: 1) steam intrusion into the rock strata, that is not the cause, due to the sinusoidal nature.
2) a calibration signal, that is not the cause, since the nearby seismographs pick up the same pattern, but attenuated.
3) actual movement of the ground, in a sinusoidal pattern. This is the only possibility, so the question then becomes, what can make seismic waves like that? The only answer is manmade vibroseis type of equipment.
Chemtrails give way for the LETHAL CHEMBOMBS
From the Video Producers Notes...
Published on Sep 27, 2014
This video explains everything. Aerial Aerosol Attacks!! Please be aware we are all being poisoned by all these toxins. If you aren't awake then please wake up. This is all about the agenda 21 and the NWO. Depopulation, do the clouds look normal to you???? I don't think so.....
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
§ 107.Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phone or records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include —
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and size of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
These pages/video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, POLITICAL, HUMAN RIGHTS, economic, DEMOCRACY, scientific, MORAL, ETHICAL, and SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.
Published on Sep 27, 2014
This video explains everything. Aerial Aerosol Attacks!! Please be aware we are all being poisoned by all these toxins. If you aren't awake then please wake up. This is all about the agenda 21 and the NWO. Depopulation, do the clouds look normal to you???? I don't think so.....
"Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use."
§ 107.Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phone or records or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include —
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and size of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
These pages/video may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, POLITICAL, HUMAN RIGHTS, economic, DEMOCRACY, scientific, MORAL, ETHICAL, and SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes.
Downloading and Analyzing Weather Data
Cool Tools for those who are interested in producing weather/climate related videos...
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
AJOB 55 - Special Report: Adam's Kooky Over Chemtrails!
Quoting Adam.... "There is ample information here to absolutely prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that high altitude chemical aerosol spraying/geo-engineering is already happening and has been happening for decades. Should you choose to ignore this information as just a 'silly conspiracy theory' you are willingly choosing your own cognitive suicide, and I feel sorry for you. You are in dwindling company as the rest of humanity is waking up to their enslavement and true corruption of the 'geo-elites'."
Monday, September 29, 2014
Haarp Evidence for Fukushima Meltdown
Notes vie the video published " The HAARP Report "
Published on Sep 29, 2014
This shows very strong evidence that the Alaska Haarp was involved in the Fukushima "9.0" earthquake/Tsunami/nuclear meltdown. At the very same time, as the Haarp signal was building up energy, from March 8 to March 11, the Demeter satellite detected "a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up."
This kind of heating is exactly what would be expected, from Haarp energy flowing into that area, just before the earthquake. This is a powerful confirmation of the magnetometer data in this video!
Here is the link to the joint Russian/US research paper:
The magnetometer data, shown in this video, is no longer available, as the server mysteriously went offline in October, 2012. It has not come back up, even though the internet DNS is still trying to load the server. The ICC, and all international police agencies, need to take a look at this, and consider if such criminals should still be allowed to be in charge of these geoengineering programs, which are rapidly killing our planet.
(P.S. Here is the maestro server. It never gives an error message, it just times out:
Someone, please contact the University of Alaska, and find out why it is no longer available.)
Published on Sep 29, 2014
This shows very strong evidence that the Alaska Haarp was involved in the Fukushima "9.0" earthquake/Tsunami/nuclear meltdown. At the very same time, as the Haarp signal was building up energy, from March 8 to March 11, the Demeter satellite detected "a big increase in infrared emissions from above the epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up."
This kind of heating is exactly what would be expected, from Haarp energy flowing into that area, just before the earthquake. This is a powerful confirmation of the magnetometer data in this video!
Here is the link to the joint Russian/US research paper:
The magnetometer data, shown in this video, is no longer available, as the server mysteriously went offline in October, 2012. It has not come back up, even though the internet DNS is still trying to load the server. The ICC, and all international police agencies, need to take a look at this, and consider if such criminals should still be allowed to be in charge of these geoengineering programs, which are rapidly killing our planet.
(P.S. Here is the maestro server. It never gives an error message, it just times out:
Someone, please contact the University of Alaska, and find out why it is no longer available.)
HAARP and Mind Control Dr Nick Begich Technology is Humanity s Double...
I'm curious to hear your thoughts on this... "HAARP and Mind Control Dr Nick Begich | Technology is Humanities Double Edged Sword"...
Is HAARP Causing California Drought
Published on Sep 29, 2014
Is HAARP Causing California Drought videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Follow Alex on TWITTER - Infowars on G+ - Like Alex on FACEBOOK.
Sub & Share this Video Please Please check out my other videos and SUB to keep up with latest breaking News !!
Haarp downburst of dry air over Oregon and California. This is done almost EVERYDAY! This is the real cause of the drought on the west coast. The small lines.
This shows the REAL reason for the California drought (along with chemtrails, of course). It is AMAZING that hurricane Julio is still shown on the visible sa.
#NEXRAD #HAARP #Chemtrails
Is HAARP Causing California Drought videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Follow Alex on TWITTER - Infowars on G+ - Like Alex on FACEBOOK.
Sub & Share this Video Please Please check out my other videos and SUB to keep up with latest breaking News !!
Haarp downburst of dry air over Oregon and California. This is done almost EVERYDAY! This is the real cause of the drought on the west coast. The small lines.
This shows the REAL reason for the California drought (along with chemtrails, of course). It is AMAZING that hurricane Julio is still shown on the visible sa.
#NEXRAD #HAARP #Chemtrails
Thursday, September 25, 2014
North Pacific Low Pressure Killed part 1 on 9 23 14
Published on Sep 24, 2014
This shows a very large, powerful, low pressure system, BEFORE it was attacked, and destroyed by the big Alaska Haarp transmitter. This is the reason for the west coast drought. Every low pressure system is squashed, and broken apart, by the man-made high pressure of the Haarp downburst. Please watch part 2 to see the end result, at sunset on 9-24-2014.
This shows a very large, powerful, low pressure system, BEFORE it was attacked, and destroyed by the big Alaska Haarp transmitter. This is the reason for the west coast drought. Every low pressure system is squashed, and broken apart, by the man-made high pressure of the Haarp downburst. Please watch part 2 to see the end result, at sunset on 9-24-2014.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
North Pacific Low Pressure Killed part 2 on 9 24 14
The gentleman who made this video is doing so in spoken word, he
shows excellent evidence. I'm super happy to see someone making these
videos in this manner....
Published on Sep 24, 2014
This is
Part 2, and shows the breakup of a powerful storm system, just west of
Washington state. It was hit with the dry air downburst, from the Alaska
Haarp transmitter. By heating a spot in the ionosphere, dry air is
pressed down, and this hot spot can be moved 100 times/second, with
great precision. This is the technology
used to kill all storm systems, out in the Pacific, before they can
bring rain to the west coast.
GeoEngineering Action Network News #GEANN
Thursday, December 6, 2012
This is a test post in order to determine how easy it will be to connect this blogs posts to our new site for sharing news & information.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
In Support Of The SOPA Blackout!
This blog is on Black out to show support in urging our legislators to Vote "No" on any/all internet censorship laws/bills/act's.
We the people paid for the development of the world wide web/internet.
They have no right to block our ability to us it.
SOPA was created by the Elite/Corporate Special Interests/Corrupt Banksters to block the flow of "news" "information" and "facts of the matter" in an attempt to assure/force the people to see/hear only what they want them too.
Special Corporate Interests who control our Government and Media are scared to death that American's have woken up through the flow of information available to us via the www/internet.
Please sign the petitions, email/write your Congressional / political representatives and let them know how you feel about loosing your right to even share a youtube video or share a news story, or someone elses blog article.
To write to or contact Your U.S. Congressional Representative, Senators, and Governor - The following is a complete list of E-Mail addresses, fax / phone #'s can be found on the following links....
Your voices/opinions need to be heard.
We the people paid for the development of the world wide web/internet.
They have no right to block our ability to us it.
SOPA was created by the Elite/Corporate Special Interests/Corrupt Banksters to block the flow of "news" "information" and "facts of the matter" in an attempt to assure/force the people to see/hear only what they want them too.
Special Corporate Interests who control our Government and Media are scared to death that American's have woken up through the flow of information available to us via the www/internet.
Please sign the petitions, email/write your Congressional / political representatives and let them know how you feel about loosing your right to even share a youtube video or share a news story, or someone elses blog article.
To write to or contact Your U.S. Congressional Representative, Senators, and Governor - The following is a complete list of E-Mail addresses, fax / phone #'s can be found on the following links....
This is Major Folk's.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Geraldine Doyle, Iconic Face of World War II, Dies at 86
Advocating For Healthcare When You Feel You Have Been Overexposed To Chemtrails
December 17th, 2010 is a day I will never forget. It was the worst medical visit I had ever experienced and I've had open heart surgery so I think I have a little experience with patient treatment regarding what's good and what's not.
I was feeling like I was about to die that day. I'm a somewhat recluse person. I don't go out often and I don't have a lot of company. I knew I was sick and seriously having to question why I was so sick and why it was all happening on the left side of my body. My face was swollen, the left said of my upper jaw was in excruciating pain, I was having chest pains, and irregular heartbeat, and a headache in my temples. I’d like to note I have had less the a dozen headaches in my life time.
It dawned on me that I had gone out and worked in the garden a few days earlier. I gathered the leaves of 4 trees that had fallen on my deck. I had to push the leaves down through the holes around the tree trunks so the leaves could decompose around the trees base feeding the roots. I was down on my hands and knees shoving the leaves in the hole. I’m also left handed and that was the prominent side I used for this task. Another factor is that rain had come and gone for a couple of weeks so there was most likely some mold on the leaves too.
My biggest concern and something I’m always aware of when going outdoors is the Chemtrails. Yes Chemtails and “no” not contrails. I live under the flight pattern of the HAARP machine and have for over 10 years. Here is the best proof possible that program does exist. This pdf is ENGINEERING THE CLIMATE: RESEARCH NEEDS AND STRATEGIES FOR INTERNATIONAL COORDINATION REPORT BY CHAIRMAN BART GORDON COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED ELEVENTH CONGRESS
I felt I had been overexposed to the chemicals used in this program as my symptoms were consistent with this type of exposure. I felt I would to be looked at like a lunatic if I told my doctor “I think it’s from those planes that are flying over us”, but I was so desperate I had to do something.
When I got to the Dr’s office my regular Dr wasn’t available so they sent me through urgent care side of the practice. The PA I saw sure enough treated me like a nut job and refused to do any testing. I agreed to wait for a visit w/my regular DR but demanded the information I brought with me be added to my file for documentation purposes and that is when all hell broke loose.
By the time I left the office I was diagnosed with pharyngitis, refused any type of antibiotic, told that I was fine and to go home.
Well I knew better than that and drove straight to the Emergency room at the local hospital where I was diagnosed w/an infection in my face, and tanked potassium levels. I was given antibiotics and prescription strength potassium.
I was so upset by the way I was treated at my regular medical center that I sent an email to the Director explaining what occurred and requesting something be done about it. I also included proof of the Chemtrails and the HAARP program being used in the skies over us.
A few days later I went to my scheduled follow up visit with written notes of my suspicions/proof wanting them again “added to my medical chart” and my regular medical Dr tried to talk me out of what I was feeling and suspecting, but agreed to run the test for heavy metals telling me I might have to pay out of pocket for them. I agreed and I’m still waiting for the results, but basically she wanted me to chalk all of my symptoms up to old age.
I was seen by that same Dr a few days ago and I showed her the new abscesses that were forming in my mouth and she said I had gingivitis. WTH? And No Way! I brush twice a day and use a water pik. I explained I had concerns that these were new and appeared while on antibiotics, asking if I should be given more and extend the antibiotic treatment. I was told “No”.
Two days later I went to an ENT specialist for a scheduled throat scope and when he looked inside my mouth he asked what was happening. I explained what I had been through and that I had seen the DR just 2 days prior and she said no to more antibiotics and that I had gingivitis. His reply was “No You don’t and I’m putting you back on antibiotics today”. Finally someone was seeing what I was feeling.
This morning I had to call Medicare to change prescription drug coverage and during that conversation I mentioned I didn’t feel my health-care provider deserved payment for one of my visits because they didn’t do anything to treat me and misdiagnosed me leading to a second visit at the hospital in the same day where I was found to be ill and in need of treatment.
When we were finished I was transferred to another department to express my concerns about the treatment I received and when I finished talking with that lady I was transferred to what is called “Quality Improvement Organization” of Medicare. It’s a full review Board of Medical Professionals who review claims like mine and they agreed this case needs to be reviewed. I have been told this is a 180 day process giving both myself and the doctor’s time to respond to each others claims, while the Board reviews all of my medical records to determine if there were mistakes made.
If this Board finds fault with the Medical provider then they are forced to go through new and rigorous training processes and are reviewed for a long period of time afterward to assure that the problems and inadequacies are addressed completely.
Long story short… If you feel like your health care provider is overlooking or ignoring your concerns put them on paper and request/demand they be entered into your medical record for documentation purposes. Yes it’s an uncomfortable process, but it’s your health and no one else will advocate for your health until you force the issue.
One things Dr fear the most is legal retaliation and having your chart loaded with documentation of your concerns is placing them in a position where they know they must offer care and be thorough about it. We’re human patients, not cattle and we deserve to be given proper care, even if that means forcing the issue with a heavy hand full of your own notes and concerns.
*Updated information~ There were two other numbers I was provided by the Medicare representative today. I felt I had it covered by filing a claim with their review board, but my gut instinct told me to follow through with these other agencies as well.
Medical Board of California (each state has their own medical board)
Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights
1-800-368-1019 that # will direct you to >
follow the link marked how to file a complaint
One things Dr fear the most is legal retaliation and having your chart loaded with documentation of your concerns is placing them in a position where they know they must offer care and be thorough about it. We’re human patients, not cattle and we deserve to be given proper care, even if that means forcing the issue with a heavy hand full of your own notes and concerns.
*Updated information~ There were two other numbers I was provided by the Medicare representative today. I felt I had it covered by filing a claim with their review board, but my gut instinct told me to follow through with these other agencies as well.
Medical Board of California (each state has their own medical board)
Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights
1-800-368-1019 that # will direct you to >
follow the link marked how to file a complaint
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