Thursday, October 23, 2014

Geoengineering: Midwest Severe Storm 10-14-14

Published on Oct 16, 2014

I walked out of the house yesterday, and looked at the sky. It looked like one of my team member’s timelapse videos. Off in the distance, there were two huge towering clouds that looked like mountains that suddenly sprouted up in the sky. Near-by and overhead there were clouds of evidently different substance and color moving at different speeds, at different altitudes, and moving in different directions… all of them moving as fast as or faster than I’ve ever seen clouds move.

It was like a scene out a science fiction movie, when one person is moving through time faster than everyone else. Even knowing what it is, it didn’t look real to me. Equally disturbing, was the fact that I was the only one who noticed. The sky looked like a scene from The Matrix, and everyone on the street, was just staring into their ‘smartphone’ master control devices.

To be sure, nothing these people are staring at on their ‘smartphones’ is anymore real than the sky above, and the people are oblivious – to both of those realities. Whatever nonsense they are staring at, was specifically created to keep them staring it – so they wouldn’t notice what is going on over their heads (amongst a great many other things).

Yet, here in this video, once again you can see just how startlingly obvious this illusion is… if you are paying attention even a little bit. You don’t need to be a scientist (or a “meteorologist”) to understand that massive water vapor streaming out of the center of the country’s land mass, feeding a multi-layered hexagonal vortex visibly driven by Nexrad Frequency Rotation, is not a “natural” occurrence. I honestly don’t understand, how any meteorologist can watch WV Gen streaming – literally like it’s coming out of a tea kettle – and pretend there is anything remotely “natural” about it. I don’t understand how anyone could say this massive in-place WV Gen event, was the result of “cold air and warm air masses colliding” – with a straight face.

As everyone around here knows, I have 100+ videos that explain exactly where all of that water and exactly where those “straight line winds” are coming from. I encourage everyone new to this channel to spend time with these videos, to educate themselves.

I’m sure it also won’t come as a shock to anyone around here, that I won’t be allowing Dane Wigington & Co. to lie about me, my work, and this reality, then (as is Standard Operating Procedure) move on as if nothing ever happened… while leaving the offending fraudulent material in place of course.

Dane Wigington never shows me the common courtesy of acknowledging my work or even my existence (and hasn't in five years), but I know very well he reads every word I say. Unless he wants to be hearing about himself - all the time - I suggest he remove his lies about me and my work from

So, the Dane Wigington section is already up on my website, complete with all of the videos I’ve done on this continuous charade to date. As always, I will make more as is necessary. I will also be compiling all of the other evidence there as is necessary. Until Dane removes his lies, I will be showcasing them. I have well over a decade of research on 100 years of geoengineering reality, a body of work, and an eBook backing up everything I say… Dane Wigington has one-liner accusations about “blaming the sun,” and the Anonymous #OpTohidy charade.

Since – as everyone around here knows – I deal in facts and actual evidence, we’ll see who ends up looking like what.

(Note: Edited for space. Full comment in video post.)


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No Natural Weather: Introduction to Geoengineering 101


No Natural Weather: eBook Obstruction and Disinformation

Introduction to Geoengineering 101

The Big Picture 2.0


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