I consider the thousands of tickets bought to attend the football games, the millions of movie tickets sold, and many other statics concerning how Americans "choose" to spend their time and money.
How did these actions become our priority? While I was looking for those statistics I came across this to share, The history of AT&T and Television http://www.corp.att.com/history/television/photo_gifford.html
Is what we are shown what we even want to see?

What have we learned from it?
What could we have learned had it been used more responsibly? Education verses entertainment, what effect would that have had on our society.
How could a country in the condition of China rise to super power status with the assets it had? Better yet, with the assets America has had at it's disposal how did we not use them to their fullest potential?
We have been too busy watching the wrong programing.
"Programming" Americans were programed with sugar coated nothingness showing us what was socially expected of us. Why would our leaders and broadcasters not program us the way the Chinese were programmed?
Like the word or not we all have been programed.
But why in this manner, why would they not want us to rise to our fullest potential ? Why are the educational programs like National Geographic and the History channel placed into "program" packages that most poor and underprivileged families can't afford? Why are the cartoons free? And have you ever compared the advertising/commercial variances for these programs? Pretty scary stuff when you pay attention because you can easily determine they know who is watching, the "targeted audience".
Some might say "just turn it off then", but that doesn't solve the problem. You still have those who can not afford that spend the majority of their waking hours glued to the television, for nothing more then a lack of better opportunity to do differently.
If our leaders wanted us to advance and honestly become all we can be/do they would have programed us differently. They would have invested in our own country instead of pillaging it on senseless wars, and they would have forced more productive/educational programming. They would have regulated the broadcasting agencies into showing what was beneficial for the country and its people. We must face the fact that "We Have Been Pumped This Crap".
Americans have been placed in a position to not believe what we can't see on television and it is pathetic.
50% of the United states (not including Alaska/Hawaii) seafood supply is no longer safe to eat. I don't care what the FDA, EPA, or any other government agency tells you, it is NOT SAFE TO EAT! Americans can believe what they are shown via the news reports or they can research for themselves. There are many reports/documentation proving this seafood is loaded with dangerous chemicals. Yet the average American has not a clue. Go to a restaurant and ask "where is the shrimp from" you will find that they have no idea what corexit is, especially if your on the west coast.
For decades the Gulf of Mexico has supplied half of our seafood. The very food we raised our children/families on. Yet a complete disruption and 95% of Americans, maybe more haven't a clue. Why?
Part of the problem is our programming, the other part is corruption and what we have allowed to happen to us by not demanding different.
I was pondering this morning as I evaluated the miserable Sunday programming on television and decided to Google "How China became a Super Power" because I really want to understand how they did what they did and how do we do the same here, when I came across... quote "Who do we credit for this rapid development? The capitalists who invested in China to make a quick buck? Or the revolutionaries who pulled China out of the middle ages, ended illiteracy, achieved the beginnings of industrialization, brought millions out of famine and an early death by organizing the masses to change their conditions of life?" source... http://www.workers.org/2009/world/dg_1203/
"Change their conditions of life" yep, that's the kind of programing I'm looking for. How do we get all of America on this Program is my question?
If there was/is a well thought out plan would American citizens get off their asses and take control of the corruption within our government? Would they boycott any/all corporations participating in this corruption?
I wonder, based on action it appears that Americans only care about what they can be entertained by or consume, or is our the Programming?

"They promoted the fictional character of “Rosie the Riveter” as the ideal woman worker: loyal, efficient, patriotic, and pretty (Yellin 43). A song, “Rosie the Riveter”, became very popular in 1942. Norman Rockwell’s image on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post on May 29, 1943 was the first widely publicized pictorial representation of the new “Rosie the Riveter”. This led to many other “Rosie” images and women to represent that image. For example, the media found Rose Hicker of Eastern Aircraft Company in Tarrytown, New York and pictured her with her partner as they drove in a record number of rivets into the wing of a Grumman “Avenger” Bomber on June 8, 1943. Rose was an instant media success (Dabakis 183). In many other locations and situations around the country, “Rosies” were found and used in the propaganda effort. A few months after Rockwell’s image, the most famous image of Rosie appeared in the government-commissioned poster “We Can Do It” (Yellin 44)." source; http://www.nps.gov/pwro/collection/website/rosie.htm
This didn't happen because Americans weren't willing to work, it happened because we were "programmed to allow it to happen"
More importantly contact your current local representatives with a list of what matters to you. Make your voice heard. Let them know this is not acceptable... or is it?
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