Thursday, October 9, 2014

Extortion? Protection Racket? for Gulf Coast Hurricanes? 10 09 14

Via the video producer "The HAARP Report" notes...
Published on Oct 9, 2014

This shows a POSSIBLE explanation, of how the Gulf Coast cities MIGHT be paying into an extortion, protection racket, to prevent hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico. This video only shows circumstantial evidence, but it is POSSIBLE, the Haarp operators are the counter-parties, in these Hurricane weather futures contracts, which are sold by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). The Haarp operators COULD be prime suspects, in taking on this counter-party risk, as they MAY BE THE ONLY ONES who know there will be zero Gulf coast Hurricanes, in a given season. There have not been any major Gulf coast hurricanes, since Katrina, in 2005, despite the perfect conditions to create powerful hurricanes, for several years. There is no wind shear aloft (no jet stream winds), and the water is 30.5 C (87 degrees F), all over the Gulf. Hurricanes need water that is warmer than 79 F, so the Gulf is PLENTY warm enough to have another Katrina, every few weeks. This is another example of why this technology should be put into the public domain, and administered for the benefit of all. This video is NOT PROOF of financial misconduct, but there APPEARS to be an opportunity for a huge financial payoff, to a select group of insiders. The purpose of this video is not to deprive the coastal states of their hurricane protection, instead, the purpose is to illustrate how these geoengineering programs can continue, ad infinitum, while killing our planet in the process. Please contact the CFTC, to request they investigate possible insider trading, in these hurricane futures contracts.
Here is a link to read about CME hurricane options:
Here is a link to CME weather derivatives history:
Here is a link to CME weather hot weather options:
GOES East, visible light, satellite animation
GOES East, water vapor, satellite animation:

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